1.so tired that you cannot do anything more
2.if the price of something is all in, it includes everything
1.And Americans did not reduce their consumption of Chinese goods at all in response to the stronger renminbi.
2.The iPad lacks a few elements that could make it a truly all-in-one device.
3.A fine policy in itself, but the locked cabinets were all in cubicles, and could easily be lifted off the cubicle wall.
4.I'm like, "What's the word that means you know, like, when the sun, the moon and the earth are, like, all in a line? "
5.I'll be back in a moment, and if you need anything at all in the mean time, just wave at me!
6.There really aren't that many, and with experience and discipline you will be able to take them all in with a few quick glances.
7.You will probably have to revise a few elements of your plan too, but if so, take it all in stride, as it's part of the process.
8.But, all in all, this is a beautiful, capable laptop, as long you can live with its high price and mediocre battery life.
9.Analysis from the variable law of displacement, the settlement difference of the four foundations is all in reasonable range.
10.As all-in-one devices designed to be easy to move, laptops remain a high value item that can benefit from being 'physically' restrained.